Hello! I'm sorry but your message got buried and I just found it again. Our school is Massena Central School District and is located in upstate NY (next to the Canadian Border). It's kind of a familiar story of big industry that pulls out of communities taking high paying blue collar jobs away and leaving unemployment and opiate abuse that turns into generational poverty and addiction in its wake. We have about 2,500 students in 5 schools (three elementary, a JH, and a HS) and are a title 1 school. We hired a Community school Director almost 5 years ago and are working on tackling family engagement, educational equity, food insecurity, and integrated mental health.
It is challenging but people are starting to attack this issue from different perspectives. And, yes, we had reps from two City Connects schools on the webinar. If you don't mind sharing, what is the story of your school(s)?
Thank you! I believe that these are the schools from the Hubs last webinar, correct? This is really helpful. I have heard of ROI's from $3 all the way up to $13. It's a difficult number to calculate.
Also, I don't know if you have seen this yet but here is a 2019 ROI study on Community Schools: http://www.communityschools.org/assets/1/AssetManager/ROI_Coordinator.pdf
Here is an article that does a good job of telling our story: https://www.aft.org/ae/summer2021/dubin_counting
Hello! I'm sorry but your message got buried and I just found it again. Our school is Massena Central School District and is located in upstate NY (next to the Canadian Border). It's kind of a familiar story of big industry that pulls out of communities taking high paying blue collar jobs away and leaving unemployment and opiate abuse that turns into generational poverty and addiction in its wake. We have about 2,500 students in 5 schools (three elementary, a JH, and a HS) and are a title 1 school. We hired a Community school Director almost 5 years ago and are working on tackling family engagement, educational equity, food insecurity, and integrated mental health.
What is the story of your school?
It is challenging but people are starting to attack this issue from different perspectives. And, yes, we had reps from two City Connects schools on the webinar. If you don't mind sharing, what is the story of your school(s)?
Thank you! I believe that these are the schools from the Hubs last webinar, correct? This is really helpful. I have heard of ROI's from $3 all the way up to $13. It's a difficult number to calculate.
This may be coming too late for your purposes and it is not focused exclusively on rural schools, but the attached article which I just read about this week may be of some help. I'd be interested in your reaction to the article and, for that matter, reactions of anyone else: https://www.brookings.edu/blog/brown-center-chalkboard/2021/04/26/small-investments-for-big-gains-transforming-wraparound-services-into-an-engine-of-opportunity/?utm_campaign=Brown%20Center%20on%20Education%20Policy&utm_medium=email&utm_content=123768939&utm_source=hs_email